Case Studies


Case studies

Field testing of DisiAq commenced in January 2010 and by the time of the formal product launch in Februay 2013 had involved 14 species in conservation zoos and other breeding facilities. Reproductive activation was seen in ten of these organisms: five species of fish, two species of frog, two species of nematode worm and a species of water snail. This is a success rate of over 70%, with particular highlights being the production of tiger stingray pups and Malagasy froglets, from species tough to breed in captivity. Studies ranged from full-on investigations (e.g. guppy fish, angelfish, nematodes) to observational interventions (e.g. catfish, water snails), and were untied to breeding seasons.

Approval for this work has been gained from ethics boards in individual institutions and the entire programme only began after a discussion with the UK Home Office, which administers the world’s most exacting research regulations. The initial evaluation of DisiAq as a procedure that is ‘mild’ had been borne out in practice.

Click on the button to see case studies from the field testing phase, which involved ‘DisiAq Mark I’.

case studies PDF

The product launched in February 2013 was DisiAq Mark II. Refinements of two main kinds have been possible, as a result of feedback from third-parties during field testing:

(i) a universal protocol has been developed featuring optimised dosing over a shorter period; and

(ii) the formulation has been enhanced to potentiate the supplement’s effectiveness, while also promoting the general reproductive health of recipients

Users of the DisiAq Reproductive Activation Kit (BMP1009) are urged to share with us their experience with the product (see Contact). Thank you.


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